Saturday, December 3, 2011

15 Day Gratitude Challenge: Day 11 - Believing in Yourself

Haitian American visual artist Nadine LaFond graced our studio today...what an amazing afternoon of art and yoga!! Gina began by leading us through some asana, opening our creative chakras and then Nadine led us through what she calls a Channeling Art Workshop. She helped students connect with and record personal journeys through the use of symbolism.
Nadine brought some pieces of her artwork to inspire the participants. The one that struck me was the piece shown here. Inscribed on the bottom is the Haitian phrase "Map Couri", meaning run away or escape. That is rethought with "Map Kembe" meaning stand strong. I believe this is a symbol of inner strength and determination. This is holding your head high and believing in yourself even in the face of doubt. So beautiful.

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