Friday, May 1, 2015

The best part about summer...

Alluem Kids Superhero Camp (ages 6-8yrs)
Be a SUPERHERO!!! At Camp Alluem Kids, children will enjoy a week of yoga for strengthen not only their bodies, but also their minds and their hearts, too! Being a superhero means being strong and peaceful at the same time. Superheroes need to take care of their bodies through yoga, being creative, eating right, and learning to relax (after all, superheroes need rest, too!).
(4 yogi minimum, 16 yogi maximum) $240/child~includes yoga classes, crafts, journal, snacks, tee-shirt...and cape!

Off the Mat Kids Camp (ages 9-12yrs)
This summer why not learn how you can make a difference in this world. Off the Mat Kids Camp will teach the young yogi more about service and taking their yoga OFF the mat. Yoga is more than just the's about finding peace, giving back when you can and being the example to help make the world a better place. 
(4 yogi minimum, 16 yogi maximum) $240/child~includes classes, journal, snacks, tee-shirt and lessons to last a lifetime! 

Register online:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Embody Love at Alluem Yoga!

We are excited to share that Melody Moore, the visionary and founder of the Embody Love Movement, will be visiting Alluem Yoga next month!!!!!

Two years ago I traveled to Texas, the home of Embody Love Movement, to immerse myself in a weekend long facilitator training that has made a HUGE impact on my life. The lessons learned and discussions had have since influenced my teaching, changed the language I use with adolescents and peers and shaped the relationship with myself and my body.

Inner Beauty Shops have been popping up for the tween and teenaged girls over the past couple of years here at the studio and now it's time to spread the LOVE!
This training can be applied in your work, in your classroom, in your home, with your children, with your families, with your friends and the relationship with yourself. You'll walk away with the Embody Love Curriculum to use in a group setting or one-on-one - and maybe that is something you do or maybe it's something you never do - but simply being there having the discussions, being part of the revolution and knowing that there are so many women working towards the same mission of self-acceptant, health and empowerment is well worth it!

See details below!!
Click on the link and sign up today!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Finding Stillness

Happy New Year! Hoping you all had a great holiday season! My back surgery went really well...I'm slowly making my way back to the mat! I have a follow up appointment coming up to see how the fusion is going, so I am still taking it easy with limited mobility. It is quiet humbling to be in a body that is so limited after being so able for so long. It is a lesson indeed to slow down and notice the ease so many of us have in doing the things we so often take for granted. Meditation has played a huge roll in my recovery in dealing with the pain as well as helping me fall asleep. Meditation has been my yoga...after all, it is so much more then just the poses.
I'm looking forward to integrating more of the meditation piece into the kid's classes! As I slowly learn to move again in PT, I'll be holding a 3 Week Mindfulness & Meditation Series for the kids starting next week!

Through practices of mindfulness and meditation children build inner and outer awareness, compassion and kindness towards others, social and emotional skills, as well as relaxation techniques. There will be very little asana (yoga poses) in this class as it is a class designed to move into a place of stillness and calm...of course in a kid friendly way!

The regular 8 week Kid's Yoga Session will begin the week of February 22nd.
For my kiddies that recently turned 13 (holy moly!!) or my 12 year olds that want to move up, the new Teen Session starts TOMORROW - every Wednesday from 4:45-5:45pm.

You can register for any or all of these classes right online: